“I believe that the most visionary ideas that have come into existence, have done so because someone was lost in the play of their own genius and fascination to where it would lead them.”

There are many visionaries, change makers and creatives that put so much pressure on their ideas that they usually end up in the pile of “not good enough”, never to see the light of day.

And what a waste that the sparks that landed in your soul never got to be shared with the world because perfectionism, pressure and results got in the way.

An idea is in its nature full of life. Who knows why it found you and chose you to birth it, but here it is! And either you can hold it tight in your mind or you can give it room to come out and play and see where it will lead you.

That’s why I was called to create The Visionary Playground!

 I LOVE ideating and playing with my ideas and I love to have someone to ideate with, because two things will happen when I loosely share and explore my idea with someone:

One, I’ll get more clear and concrete about what that first idea really is.

Or two, I’ll realize that idea wasn’t quite the most aligned one, but having a space to explore it allows me to find the one that really matters.

Ideas need space. Ideas need time. Ideas need to be seen if they are to be born!

So this is my invitation to you to come and PLAY with your ideas together! I want to hear them and help you take them apart, rearrange them and see them in a way that leaves you inspired and excited to share them others!

Once you’re feeling solid about your new baby, I want to follow-up with some implementation sessions so we can define the next steps that will take your idea from a mere thought to an actual real thing that could be shared with those who need it!

Are you ready to play with your vision my friend?

  • For Visionaries, Change Makers & Creatives

  • For Coaches who desire to design a program to better support their clients

  • For Daring Leaders who see something new for the world

  • For those who are inspired by a wealth of ideas and don’t know where to start

  • For those who need a balance of play & structure to get their genius out in the world


  • A total of 6 x 60 mins sessions

  • 3 sessions to ideate

  • 3 sessions to make a action plan & start integrating

  • Bring either your ideas or vision - it can be as rough or as specific as you like

  • Come ready to play, explore and refine your direction

  • Open yourself up to the possibilities

  • Be ready to surpass any blocks that our holding you back from making your idea a reality